Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Texan Julián Castro brings life of contrasts to Democratic convention speech

Texan Julián Castro brings life of contrasts to Democratic convention speech

San Antonio Mayor Julián Castro brings a life of contrasts into his keynote address Tuesday to the Democratic convention.
He’s shy, bookish and retiring, yet has chosen a life in public service.
Though a red-state mayor, he’s asking San Antonio voters this fall to raise taxes on themselves to fund a pre-kindergarten program.
A nonpartisan officeholder in a city manager form of government, he’s not afraid to tackle extracurricular subjects, such as improving education, and take stands on hot-button issues like immigration, sex education and gay rights.
He’s steeped in San Antonio’s Chicano civil rights movement, which his mother helped lead, but Castro has cultivated both the city’s Anglo-dominated business establishment and its black community. Last year, he won re-election with 83 percent of the vote.
Castro is hyped as a future statewide or even national candidate despite his short resume. The mayor, though, has dug in to solve problems at the local level for most of a decade — and plans to stay there for a while.
“He’s every mother’s successful son,” said Richard Gambitta, retired professor of political science at the University of Texas at San Antonio. “He’s a great politician who happens to be of Mexican heritage. He is transcendent” and very well could run for governor in 2018, a year after city charter term limits would cap his potential eight-year tenure as mayor, Gambitta said.
Americans — and most Texans — will get their first glimpse of Castro in his big moment at the Democratic National Convention. If nothing else, they’ll see a commitment to public service instilled in him and his twin brother largely by his mother.
“I don’t believe that I have all the answers,” he said. “But more than that, Joaquin and I were raised to have respect for other people. … When I entered public service, I entered it to do good work for other people. And I know that that involves listening to them because there’s an arrogance that develops sometimes with people in public service where they think they have all answers.”
Republicans and tea party activists already have tried to take him down a notch. They say he’s unproven, a self-promoter who favors big government — and scarily resembles Obama in biography and ideology.
“Their families are very influenced by radical, ethnic thinking,” said George Rodriguez, a leader of the San Antonio Tea Party who heads the South Texas Political Alliance, which raises political money for conservative groups.
Castro, who worked briefly as a civil litigator in the San Antonio office of the Dallas-founded Akin Gump Strauss law firm, “has never worked in the private sector,” said Rodriguez, who said GOP state policies are more responsible than the mayor for San Antonio’s vibrant economy.
Many have speculated that Obama — who was himself boosted by delivering the 2004 keynote address — chose Castro to speak because he’s long had his eye on the mayor. At a White House meeting nearly three years ago, Obama kiddingly referred to him as a staffer. Another motive may have been the need to inject some youth and energy into the speaking lineup.
Castro, 37, will open the convention’s prime time TV coverage on Tuesday, before a graying cast of Democratic elder statesmen take their turns on Wednesday and Thursday.
Darryl Byrd, a former San Antonio urban planner and real estate developer who heads Castro’s goal-setting civic engagement forum, SA 2020, said that though the mayor is very serious, he has a self-deprecating wit and passion that shine through in speeches.
“It’s not just clear and concise,” he said. “You look around the room, you see young people, young at heart people, people of diverse backgrounds identifying with this less-than-40-something young man. There’s something very special about him that has really resonated.”
Castro’s task as keynote speaker is clear: He’ll warn some of the president’s faltering supporters that Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan are coming at the nation’s ladder of opportunity bearing handsaws, and that Obama is their best bet to keep intact some lower rungs, such as health care for poor children and good public schools.
Homework first
San Antonio lawyer Frank B. Burney, a leading lobbyist at City Hall, said Castro, as a product of good schools and affirmative action admissions policies at elite universities, is in a perfect position to tell the tale.
“It’s amazing to think that in a little over a generation, you have an immigrant from Mexico producing two grandsons, and one’s a congressman and one’s the mayor of the seventh-largest city,” he said.
Burney, a Castro ally, was referring to Castro’s late grandmother, Victoria Castro, an orphan who emigrated to San Antonio in 1920; and to expectations that Julián’s twin brother, Joaquin, a state representative, will be elected to Congress this fall.
The boys’ father, retired teacher Jesse Guzman, separated from their mother, Maria “Rosie” Castro, when they were 8.
“I couldn’t have raised them by myself,” said Rosie Castro, who recalled setting up a household with her mother, who worked as maid and cook. “She really raised them” while Rosie worked.
The grandmother, though she’d dropped out of school after the third grade, “could read and write in both languages, and she loved to read,” Rosie Castro said.
Victoria frequently read fables and Disney stories to the boys and took them to the library, she said.
The boys, Rosie’s only children, were “extremely rambunctious” and competitive with one another in sports — karate, basketball, football and tennis, she said.
Rosie Castro credits their later academic success at Stanford University and Harvard Law to two household policies. In their first year of school, she offered $1 for each “A” on their report cards; and for each “B,” 75 cents.
And every afternoon after school, “they did their homework first before they went out to play,” she recounted. “They had a lot of internal discipline at an early age.”
Rosie Castro’s leftist politics have shined through in recent newspaper interviews in which she denounced what she calls the Alamo’s purported heroes as “slaveholding imperialists” who wanted to conquer “land that didn’t belong to them.”
But Castro, 65, who runs an academic and career advice center for junior-college students at San Antonio’s Palo Alto College, said she’s not disappointed her boys have gone mainstream.
“Not really, what we were fighting for back then is what they accomplished, which is that everyone would have the opportunity to self-actualize, based on their hard work,” she said.
San Antonio trial lawyer Sonia M. Rodriguez, a Castro ally and a co-chairwoman of his SA 2020 effort, said the mayor’s style reflects his matriarchal upbringing: A good listener, “he is comfortable with a diversity of thought [and] a collaborative process,” she said.
Civic leaders said his major accomplishments have been to push through a bond issue, promote physical fitness, champion a rebirth of inner-city neighborhoods and pull San Antonio’s municipal electric utility out of the South Texas nuclear project. On Nov. 6, he’s asking city voters to approve a one-eighth-cent sales tax to provide full day pre-kindergarten for poor 4-year-olds.
To former San Antonio Mayor Henry Cisneros, who has known the Castro brothers and watched them prepare for public service, there’s only one comparable political act in modern American history.
“I don’t want to put this into the stratosphere of political expectations, but it’s a John Kennedy-Bobby Kennedy relationship,” he said of the twins.
Asked if Julián Castro is on track to be the first Hispanic president, Cisneros, who served in former President Bill Clinton’s Cabinet and faced similar expectations before being embroiled in scandal, said it’s hazardous to predict.
“But I would say Julián is putting all the pieces together — and is certainly in as good a position as anyone of his young generation,” he said.
Follow Robert T. Garrett on Twitter at @RobertTGarrett.
AT A GLANCE: 10 things you should know about Julián Castro
1. He and his twin brother, Joaquin, were born in 1974, in San Antonio. Julián Castro is a minute older. They’ll turn 38 on Sept. 16.
2. He’s halfway through his second two-year term as San Antonio mayor. He can serve a maximum of four, under the city charter, and says he will do so if the voters re-elect him.
3. Castro played tennis in high school and had an offer to play for the Division III team at San Antonio’s Trinity University. Instead, he went to Stanford University and Harvard Law. He said he still plays tennis “every now and then.”
4. His wife, Erica Lira Castro, is an elementary school teacher. They have a daughter, Carina, born in 2009.
5. The brothers were 8 when their parents split, and their mother, Rosie, a longtime community activist, raised them alone. A La Raza Unida poster for his mother’s unsuccessful bid for City Council in 1971, three years before the twins were born, hangs in Castro’s mayoral office.
6. Castro is the youngest person elected to the San Antonio City Council — age 26 in 2001. He served for four years, then lost his first run for mayor before rebounding to win four years later.
7. He and his brother have lived parallel lives, attending Stanford and Harvard together and starting a law firm after Julián’s mayoral loss. But Joaquin, a state representative, is likely headed to Washington, as he’s almost certain to win a congressional seat this fall.
8. The last book Julián Castro read was Walter Isaacson’s biography of Apple founder Steve Jobs.
9. His favorite past president is Bill Clinton, whom he credited for job creation and deficit reduction. “Just a very effective president,” he said.
10. His thoughts on if one can relax before giving the convention keynote speech: “Not really. I’ll be a lot more relaxed after the speech than before the speech.”

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